3975 Mira Loma Way
San Jose, CA - 95111
(408) 363-5775
Welcome to the Daniel Lairon (DS) - SCOE page. Head Start Program information along with details, maps, and photos are below.
Head Start Program Details, hours, photos, information: Daniel Lairon (DS) - SCOE
Santa Clara Office of Education (SCOE) operates Head Start centers as well as a home-based program for low-income eligible families. Fill out anInterest Formand a staff member from our Head Start Office will contact you regarding your child's eligibility to participate in our program. When you submit your application it must include copies of: Birth Certificate; Immunization Records;TB Assessment and/or TB Test Results;Income Verification (Documentation must reflect your current economic status and must include all sources of income received by the child's parents or guardians; Proof of Legal Custody (if child is in foster care); Notice of Action (if receiving CalWORKs); Proof of Supplemental Security Income (if applicable); Homelessness Verification (if applicable and available); Current IEP (Head Start) or IFSP (Early Head Start) (if applicable); Full Time Employment or School/Training Verification (if you are requesting full day services). You can drop off or mail the application to your local center or our Early Learning Services office at 1290 Ridder Park Dr., MC 225, San Jose, CA 95131-2304. You will be contacted by mail once your application has been processed. If you have any questions please call (408) 453-6900 or (800) 820-8182, Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
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User questions and answers
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I would like to know the director's name or person in charge at Head Start Daniel Lairon center. I also would like to know the funding sources for the program at this center. Thank you, Minh Le